Something I have found annoying at times is watching live streams of teams playing a game or gamers all playing a game in the same match or similar. Let me use an IRL situation for this. So not that long ago, I was watching a streamer playing a game and they were playing with 2 other people. I could hear them talking to the other 2 people but I could only see what was going on from the perspective of the streamer I was watching. Sometimes it was frustrating hearing things going on that you couldn’t see. GTA RP is a great example of this. You can sometimes see a ‘gang’ of people hanging out and robbing banks or whatever they’re doing as a group, but only from 1 person’s perspective.
Once you have entered the first streamers name, a second username box will appear, as soon as you fill that in, another will appear and so on until you add as many streamers as you want (up to a maximum of 8). Once you have entered all usernames, you then select the layout that suits your given number of streamers. From the sample above, you can see that I have entered 3 streamer usernames and have 4 different layouts I can then choose from. So if I then select the second layout which will split my screen into 4 quarters, the bottom right one being the stream chat of your FIRST streamer account you entered. You’re basically building up a custom URL that will look something like domain/users/layout. Here is an example URL: which will give you a layout as follows. to get started… it’s FREE!!!